Note: Canti L’Amaro Sbagliato is an innovative Italian amaro, born from tradition yet crafted for those seeking new horizons in the world of mixology. With a unique character and a balanced aromatic profile that blends sweetness with bitter notes, L’Amaro Sbagliato expertly combines selected herbs and spices, delivering an intense and complex experience. It is designed to become a versatile ingredient for refined, modern cocktails to which it adds a deep and surprising note, while also serving as an excellent after-dinner digestif. Perfect for those who wish to impress with an original twist and rediscover traditional flavors through new combinations. L’Amaro Sbagliato: tradition and innovation in a glass. PERFECT SERVICE Excellent as a digestif Serve neat or with ice Add a slice of orange or lemon
Serving Suggestion: Delicious on its own as a digestif, but essential as a base for creating the most classic cocktails